
Why Should Financial Organizations Design Their Workforce vs. Hiring It?

Written by Numi Castillo | Jan 6, 2023 9:45:00 PM

There are reasons why financial organizations should decide to build their internal technology workforce rather than hire outside talent or technology experts from outside offshore sources.

A multinational workforce exists today. Employers have contracted offshore resources to fill positions that require individuals with specific knowledge and abilities. But there are better scenarios than this.

From the pitfalls of cost and strings attached when coordinating work with SI's technical workers that are often in opposite time zones, with poor specialized and localized language skills, to thousands of hours lost in productivity and unachieved projects, goals, and milestones, the downsides of offshore attrition are notorious. They have a direct effect on the ROE and Time-to-Market.

It is better for the business and the employees if the staff is designed rather than hired or outsourced offshore. What do I mean by that? By building a tech-stack-specific cohort and enhancing employee skill sets to meet business demands, we are aiding businesses in growing their talent cost-effectively at a fraction of traditional cost with precise results. Additionally, because they are aware of their critical contribution to the organization's success, NexGen employees feel fulfilled and appreciated because of their impact on the organization, the practical application of the skills they learn, and fantastic career opportunities.

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