Sometimes hiring new talent can be a good way to meet the skill gap, but many times the answer can be found in upskilling your current employees. Providing additional training and education to enhance current skills is a great way of creating a workforce that is dynamic, diverse, and qualified. According to PWC 46% of CEOs see upskilling as a way to close the potential skills gap.
If you have decided to upskill your team we share with you some pointers to create a successful upskilling strategy.
Determine the skills you have and the ones you need
Determine what are your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Once you have determined your skills shortcoming you can easily determine where you are going to focus your upskilling strategy and make sure your efforts align with what your workforce needs.
It is important to research your industry and your competitors too. This can help you determine what skills you are might be missing. Make sure you are focusing on core skills that are going to have long-term value. It is easy to focus on the newest tool in the market, and although there is value in staying up on trends, the goal is to find a balance between new technologies and core skills that will make your tech team strong.
Consider your team’s opinion
Upskilling is not only important to your organization but also important for your employees. A recent survey by Hays shows that 96% of employees consider upskilling to be important. That is why it is important to have frequent conversations with managers and employees to understand their needs and goals. As we mentioned earlier, there is no one size fits all solution for addressing skills gaps and your employees will provide you with helpful insight on what a successful upskilling strategy will look like for them according to their current skills and role within the organization.
Provide your team with incentives to encourage your team
The best way to ensure your upskilling efforts are successful is to keep your employees motivated and engaged to learn new skills, and there are many ways to do that. One of the main recommendations would be to provide them with the resources they need. This will look different for each organization. Some examples include providing training budgets, providing financial incentives, and giving them time during their workweek to complete their training. It is also important for the team to understand why your company is opting for upskilling and what benefits it will bring to them.